5 Reasons Why You Must Avoid Eating Excessly Dry Fruit: How Much Is Too Much?

We all recognize the health benefits of dry fruits, which complement a protein-rich diet and a healthy lifestyle. Nuts and dry fruits, passed down through generations, stand as traditional superfoods, offering a package of proteins, iron, magnesium, healthy fats, vitamin B, and fiber. Various studies suggest that individuals incorporating dry fruits into their diet tend to lose weight and intake more nutrients compared to those who don't.

Dry fruits boast an abundance of plant compounds, including potent antioxidants, contributing to numerous health benefits. However, the question arises: how should one consume them, and what is the optimal quantity?

How much is too much: 5 reasons why you must AVOID eating dry fruits in excess

People who consume dry fruits regularly tend to lose weight and absorb more nutrients, making these foods a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle. Dry fruits are rich in proteins, iron, magnesium, healthy fats, vitamin B, and fiber, presenting numerous health benefits. But, is there such a thing as too much of a good thing?

As per reports, indulging excessively in almonds, dates, cashews, and walnuts may lead to various health issues, including body heat, acne, and body rashes. Health experts often recommend a daily intake of not more than two tablespoons of dry fruits due to their sugar content, as excessive consumption may contribute to weight gain.

Side-effects of eating too much dry fruits:

1. Weight Gain:

   Eating an excess of dry fruits may lead to a daily caloric gain of 3500 calories, potentially causing over 2 pounds of weight gain in a single month. This rapid increase in weight can contribute to obesity-related issues, menstrual problems, high blood pressure, and more.

2. Asthma:

   Dry fruits are often processed with sulphur dioxide, resulting in a foul smell. This smell of sulphur dioxide can trigger allergic reactions, skin rashes, and asthma, posing risks to respiratory health.

3. Gastrointestinal Issues:

   While dry fruits are rich in fiber, excessive consumption may lead to digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

4. Dental Health:

   Overindulgence in dry fruits may contribute to tooth decay and other dental issues, affecting oral health negatively.

5. Spike Blood Sugar Levels:

   Many dry fruits have a high glycaemic index, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, which can be particularly concerning for individuals aiming to regulate their blood sugar.

In conclusion, while dry fruits offer numerous health benefits, moderation is key to avoiding potential side effects. Balancing their intake with a well-rounded diet ensures optimal health without the drawbacks associated with excessive consumption.

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