Quick Impact of Vegan and Ketogenic Diets on Immune System Function


A recent study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health in the United States delved into the immune system responses triggered by ketogenic and vegan diets. Over a two-week period, participants followed each diet, and the findings revealed distinct immune responses associated with each dietary approach.

Utilizing a multiomics approach, incorporating various datasets like flow cytometry, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and metagenomics, the researchers assessed how the participants' bodies responded to the ketogenic and vegan dietary regimes.

The ketogenic diet prompted responses linked to adaptive immunity, which involves pathogen-specific immunity developed through regular exposure and vaccines. On the other hand, the vegan diet elicited responses rooted in innate immunity, the body's primary defense against pathogens.

Significant changes were observed in the participants' microbiomes, specifically in the abundance of gut bacteria associated with each diet. The ketogenic diet appeared to reduce amino acid metabolism in the microbiomes, possibly due to the higher amino acid content in that diet.

The macronutrient composition of the diets also played a role. Participants on the vegan diet, consisting of approximately 10% fat and 75% carbohydrates, consumed fewer calories compared to those on the ketogenic diet, which comprised about 76% fat and 10% carbohydrates.

Despite the diverse participants in terms of age, race, gender, ethnicity, and body mass index (BMI), the study's authors suggest that these diets can be consistently applied to the body's pathways with somewhat predictable results. They emphasize the need for further exploration of functional trade-offs associated with each diet.

Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian, highlighted that while these varied diets show effects on overall health, various factors, including genetics and personal preferences, play a crucial role. She emphasized that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to diet, and larger studies may be warranted to further assess the results.

The ketogenic diet focuses on high healthy fats, adequate protein, and low carbohydrates, forcing the body to break down fat for energy and produce ketones. The study found an up-regulation of pathways linked to adaptive immunity after the ketogenic diet, including improved T cell activation and memory formation.

The vegan diet, eliminating all animal products, prompted responses rooted in innate immunity. The study underscores the complexity of dietary impacts on the immune system and emphasizes the need for personalized approaches to diet based on individual factors.

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