Walking therapy for anxiety in the over 50s: how a small amount of exercise can make all the difference

As the World Health Organization recently named anxiety disorders the most common mental health condition globally, a fresh study from the University of Limerick sheds light on a simple remedy for older individuals – brisk exercise. The research suggests that just 50 minutes of brisk walking per week significantly lowers the likelihood of Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) among older adults.

GAD is a challenging condition marked by persistent and uncontrollable worry and excessive anxiety over a minimum of six months. The study, conducted over a decade using data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (Tilda), uncovered a 47% lower likelihood of GAD among older individuals engaging in 50 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, like brisk walking, per week compared to their inactive counterparts.

While the World Health Organization currently recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week for adults, Dr. Matthew Herring, an exercise psychologist leading the study, suggests that even lower levels of physical activity than the recommended guidelines show a reduction in the odds of GAD. The findings indicate that engaging in any level of physical activity, even below the recommended guidelines, offers protective benefits for mental health in older adults.

Dr. Herring emphasized that the study doesn't advocate for lower activity levels but highlights the positive impact of any physical activity, including minimal levels. He suggested that even a brief 10-minute session of moderate-intensity activity for five days a week, such as brisk walking, can contribute to lowering the risk of Generalised Anxiety Disorder over time among older adults.

The study addresses the concerns of older adults who may find it challenging to achieve guideline levels of exercise, emphasizing that any level of physical activity can be beneficial in preventing GAD. The researchers recommend public health organizations and clinicians promote evidence-based strategies that encourage more achievable doses of activity, especially for currently inactive older adults.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder affects between 2% and 6% of older adults and is expected to rise with an aging population and the increased rates of anxiety disorders observed in those recovering from COVID-19. The study underscores the need for accessible and low-cost behaviors to mitigate risk factors for anxiety symptoms and GAD.

In conclusion, the research provides a unique perspective by showing a dose-response reduction in GAD odds and identifying a lower-than-recommended dose that offers mental health benefits. The findings could have significant implications for promoting mental well-being among older adults through feasible and accessible physical activity.

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